Every Child a Reader is an award-winning, 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that celebrates the powerful impact books have on young people through some of the longest-running and largest reading outreach programs in the country. We believe introducing children to the magic of reading is hero’s work. We support a diverse network of heroes — including educators, caregivers, librarians, and booksellers — by connecting book creators with communities, providing literacy tools and resources, and championing young people’s voices.

We do this through a variety of fun and engaging programs:

  • Children’s Book Week is the twice-annual celebration of children’s books and reading. Established in 1919, it is the longest-running national literacy initiative in the country, now celebrating its 105th anniversary with over 2,000 participating schools, libraries, and bookstores in all 50 states.
  • The National Ambassador for Young People’s Literature program connects young people with a prominent book creator on a mission to spread the message that reading is a fun and important part of young people’s growth and happiness. Co-sponsored by the Library of Congress, since 2008 various National Ambassadors have worked to give young people a voice and listen to their stories. The current ambassador is Meg Medina.
  • Get Caught Reading is a year-round national classroom and library poster campaign featuring authors, athletes, artists, and public figures ‘caught reading’ a favorite book.

Every Child a Reader is funded by individuals, organizations, and companies. See Friends of Every Child a Reader and become one today!

Dedicated to inspiring a love of reading in children and teens across America.

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